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Rise Above Self-Doubt
Discover how self-doubt manifests, affects your feelings, and triggers negative thoughts. Learn practical strategies to overcome self-doubt by understanding its root causes, challenging your inner critic, and leveraging your strengths.
Conquering Imposter Syndrome - part 1
Welcome to the first episode of our 6-part series on overcoming imposter syndrome. In this video, we'll explore what imposter syndrome is, its triggers, and its features.
Imposter Syndrome & Decision-making - part 2
Discover the challenges leaders face with imposter syndrome and how self-doubt can impact decision-making and team morale. Learn practical strategies to understand your decision-making style, embrace uncertainty, and reframe mistakes as opportunities for growth.
Imposter Syndrome & Perfectionism - part 3
Phyllis explores how perfectionist tendencies can exacerbate self-doubt and anxiety. Learn practical strategies to embrace imperfection, set realistic expectations, and view failure as a learning opportunity.
Imposter Syndrome & Advocating for Yourself - part 4
Phyllis explores the impact of self-doubt on both professional and personal life. Learn practical strategies to cultivate self-confidence, challenge negative beliefs, and practice assertive communication.
Imposter Syndrome & Getting Out of Your Comfort Zone - part 5
Phyllis illustrates how self-doubt can hinder both professional and personal growth. Learn practical strategies to embrace growth, take calculated risks, and step out of your comfort zone.
Imposter Syndrome & Defeat Imposter Syndrome - part 6
In the final installment of her series on overcoming imposter syndrome, Phyllis Reagin highlights the most important strategies to help you defeat Imposter Syndrome.